Advertising on ChemSpider

ChemSpider is a thriving structure-centric community attracting tens of thousands of Chemists a day searching for chemistry related data. With over 100 million chemical structures listed and integration with Wikipedia, scientific journals, supplier information and a range of other data sources ChemSpider is rapidly becoming the essential information resource for research chemists.

Vendor Catalogues

If you provide us with your catalogue, we can list you as a vendor on the ChemSpider record pages for the compounds you sell. Please visit our Chemical Vendors page for information about our formatting requirements, and how to submit your catalogue.

Banner Advertising

Promote sales of your products and services by targeting banner advertising to the ChemSpider community. There are three banner options available, giving you visibility to a worldwide audience of research chemists. Your advert appears on rotation across all 100 million structures, has uncapped impressions, and includes reporting on performance at the end of each month.

To discuss advertising opportunities please call +44 (0)1223 432181 or email
